Sunday, March 9, 2014

Naha, Okinawa Japan

An interesting stop…to learn the history of Okinawa and its ties to both China and Japan over the centuries is quite enlightening. We chose to do the tour of the Battle of Okinawa. It was quite bloody, as it was one of the last stands before the Allies invaded mainland Japan. There was over 200,000 lives lost, 14, 000 American. We went down into the underground headquarters of the Japanese Navy.

Jim loved being in Okinawa. He spent a lot of time at Kadena in the 1970s and always enjoyed his duty there. He got to see Naha Air Field, which was an American base before it turned over to the Japanese.

Peace Memorial Park

Imagine scaling these cliffs to take take Okinawa
Stamping...making art in this memorial place

In the Tunnels - the Underground Command for the Japanese Navy

Graffiti from the Japanese

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