Monday, March 3, 2014

Hard to Leave Viet Nam

Yesterday was our final day in Viet Nam. It’s hard to let go of such a wonderful experience. Our day was more leisurely, as we toured the countryside and one beautiful new temple. Just like cathedrals in Europe, temples in Asia get a bit repetitive. But this one was special because it was new; built entirely with the people’s money, no government funding; and it’s setting on a hill top.

The stop at the farmer’s house was enlightening. He is considered wealthy by Vietnamese standards. His land and wealth came to him because of his military service. His 80 year old mother never changed expression nor moved from her chair the whole time we were there.

We really enjoy looking at the food in markets like the live fish, meat, live chickens and the beautiful produce.

Farmer's House
The Lounge
The Kitchen

Working the Fields

The Markets

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