Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Streets of Saigon

For 300 years, the city was known as Saigon. Since the fall of South Viet Nam in 1975, it was renamed Ho Chi Minh city.  But Saigon it remains to its natives and to visitors. It’s a great city. It is clean, alive with activity and offers the best of east and west.

Motorbikes are the primary transportation. There are more motorbikes than population. It is amazing what one can carry on these bikes; from steel beams to five bicycles.

The French left their mark with some classical buildings that are still very well maintained; Notre Dame Church and the Post Office.

Note the Apple distributor. We always make a point of capturing the Apple signage around the world; and this one was a double score. The Apple store is right next door to a karaoke bar called California.

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